Auto Clicker with Random Interval

The Software presented is a Auto Clicker for Windows Computers. The Clicker Software has lots of features making it really useful as an Auto Clicker. The Software allows to simulate automatic mouse clicks at configurable fixed location or random location on full computer screen or on a part of it. 

Download this Automatic Mouse Clicker Software utility now and let mouse cursor click for defined number of clicks or let it keep clicking untill stopped at random or fixed location on the computer screen. The Software is Multi Monitor enabled and hence if you choose to click any where on computer screen and you do have multiple monitors connected in extended mode, then this software will click on all computer screens randomly. You can even use the software to just move mouse and do not click anywhere by selecting the type of click as None.

There are two random options you can configure with this auto clicker . 

First random configuration is as displayed below in which you can configure the mouse clicks to be initiated at random location on screen or only a configurable rectangular area on the computer screen. 

Auto Clicker to configure automatic random mouse clicks

Configure Automatic Mouse Clicks at Random location

The Second configurable randomness is about the delay between mouse clicks. When using the Auto Clicker you can simulate mouse clicks with random delay between the mouse clicks. You can even specify the minimum and maximum random interval betwen the mouse clicks. 

Auto Clicker with Random interval between auto mouse clicks

Configure Random delay interval between automatic mouse clicks

Use this Auto Clicker to automate mouse clicks on a Windows based computer. Easy to configure options with free trial download available without any reminders or poup windows to buy the software. You can register your copy of this Auto Clicker by paying only $5.00 and yes the updates to the software will come for free. Do have a look at feature list of the Auto Clicker software given below to know how it can be of use to you. 

  • Configure a keyboard shortcut key combination to start and stop the automatic mouse clicks.
  • Option to select whether to click mouse at current mouse cursor position, at random location on the screen or only in a defined rectangular area in the screen.
  • Define how many mouse clicks to automate or keep on clicking untill stopped.
  • Delay between mouse clicks can be configured to be either a fixed number of milliseconds or random interval between a configurable range of delay in milliseconds.
  • Milliseconds delay allows to set any delay between automatic mouse clicks such as 1 Second (1000 millisecons), 1 Minute (60,000 Milliseconds), etc.

Please do drop us a line in case you would like to see another feature in the software and we will provide you the feature in this mouse clicker software.

Mouse Mover for Mac

How about a Mouse Mover application which can run on Mac or any other operating system which supports running a java application? The Software presented here can keep the mouse cursor moving on any operating system on which you can run a java based application (.jar file).

Download the Mouse Mover application and run it on Mac or any other OS which supports running of java application. This download requires atleast Java Version 1.6 installed on your computre. In case of Mac, you would need atleast Mac Leopard.

Mouse Mover Software for Mac version Leopard onwards

Let the Mouse keep on moving on Mac

The above software download can even be used on any Windows based Operating System as well. The Software download presented here is similar to that described in the post Keep Mouse Moving which presented a windows based software. The download file presented in first paragraph is a .zip file containing a .jar file and other files in a folder. All you need to keep your computer active and let the mouse cusror move automatically is extract the contents of the zip file to a folder on your operating system (The OS must have Java Run Time installed already to run this Mouse Mover application) such as Mac, Windows, etc and launch the MouseMover.jar file.

Lock Mouse onto Monitor

Lock Mouse on a Monitor when using Dual Monitor Windows Computer

Lock Mouse Cursor in Monitor Boundary

Do you have dual or multiple monitor windows computer and wish to lock mouse on a given monitor so that it does not crosses boundary of one monitor?

The Dual Monitor Software has the facility to lock mouse cursor onto the monitor and unlock the mouse cursor movements on the press of a configurable shortcut key.

Please do click on the screenshot above to know more about the software and lock mouse cursor onto a selected monitor when using dual or multiple monitor windows computer.

Keep the Mouse Moving

Keep the Mouse Cursor Moving on Screen

Keep the mouse moving on computer's screen

This is a small software which can keep the mouse cursor moving automatically without any manual input untill stopped. The Mouse movements can be started and stopped using a configurable shortcut key combination. Keeping Mouse Cursor moving on your computer’s screen will prohibit screensaver to comeup (if configured) and would keep the windows computer active.

Click on the image above to know more about the software and keep your mouse cursor in motion when you want your computer to remain active. Easy and quick way to keep the mouse moving on computer’s screen.

Download this small mouse cursor automation software and let the mouse be in motion always or only when computer is left idle. The Mouse Automation software works on Windows computers and can be controlled from the system tray icon.      

Software to keep mouse moving when windows computer left inactive or idle

Keep Mouse Moving on an Idle Windows Computer

In case you configure the software to keep the mouse cursor moving only when computer is left idle, the mouse cursor will be moved as configured in the first screen above. However if you would like to start the mouse cursor movements with the shortcut key, then just enter 0 to disable the idle mouse cursor movement settings screen.

Click Mouse with Shortcut Key

Click Mouse with Keyboard at fixed location on screen
Click Mouse at defined location with Keyboard

Click Mouse on the press of a configured key on keyboard. You can even move the mouse cursor back to current mouse location after doing the click.

Just configure a shortcut key and define the location on computer screen where you would like the software to click and click on Close button.
Next time onwards whenever you press the configured shortcut key on keyboard, the mouse cursor will be moved to the configured location, will click and will return back to original location screen depending on your settings of this auto clicker software.
Download this small Mouse Click software and let this software move mouse to the precise location and click it for you. Click on the software screenshot above to know more and explore the features of the software.

Mouse Click Command Line

Screenshot displaying the options for clicking mouse from command line

Click Mouse from Command Line or Batch File


Initiate Mouse Clicks from command Line or from command prompt. Use the Mouse Click software to do mouse clicks from a batch  file (with extension .bat). 

Initiate Single Left Mouse Click, Single Right Mouse Click or even double mouse clicks with this Mouse Clicker software utility. 

Click on the image above to know more about the software or download it and start clicking mouse from command line, batch file or any other program by passing in command line parameters.

Auto Mouse Click

Software to Click Mouse Automatically

Click Mouse with a Script on Windows

Another Mouse Clicker software to automate mouse clicking. The Auto Mouse Click is really easy to use and configure from a single screen.  

The Software can simulate single or double mouse clicks (both left or right click). In order to do the mouse clicking, just double click on the saved file and the mouse cursor will be automated as defined in the script.  Download the Software and give it a try now.

One Screen Clicker Software will provide you way to edit or view the mouse clicker script.

Auto Mouse Clicker

How to use Auto Mouse Clicker in Easy Steps

Given below video shows how to use the Clicker Software, do have a look and find out how easy it is to locate and add mouse clicks into the script. The Video also shows how to run the Clicker Script to automate the Mouse Clicks.

The Auto Mouse Clicker is another Mouse Automation Software Download with advanced Mouse Clicking features. The Clicker comes with a mouse script editor and debugger allowing your to view or oragnise your mouse clicking script easily.

The Software Download allows you to easily add mouse clicks in a script and add a memorable comment for every mouse click so that you can identify the mouse click later.

Download trial version of the software now, registration is simple & easy and requires you to pay only $5.00 for this Auto Mouse Clicker. There will be no reminders and the software will be fully functional untill trial usage limit is reached, however after the trial usage the Auto Mouse Clicker will stop working and will request you to register your copy.

Click Mouse at configured speed

Auto Clicker Software for Windows

Screenshot of Auto Clicker Software for Windows

Auto Clicker presented here can be used to do mouse clicking at a selectable speed. The Auto Clicker Software Download will simulate mouse clicks wherever your mouse cusror is present.

In Order to use the Auto Clicker, you would only need to move mouse cursor to the position where you wish to do mouse clicking and press a shortcut key combination.

Once you press the shortcut key combination, the Auto Clicker will keep on clicking untill any of the given below

  1. You press the shortcut key again to stop the mouse clicking OR
  2. The Configured number of clicks are done.